Friday, June 1, 2018

Intake station

After arriving at the clinic and taking some time to set up all the needed materials, the team begins the patient intake process. Many times this is the most important and rate limiting step of the daily activities. Without proper organization and accurate patient intake, few things can be done thereafter. Fluent Vietnamese speaking students are paired with non-vietnamese speakers to intake each patient. As the patient interview begins, the detailed description of the chief complaint, past medical history, any current medications, surgeries etc....While this is taking place, each patient has an accurate measure of their blood pressure, pulse, and if needed, a blood glucose value. This process is critical to the success of our medical treatment station and has to take place for close to 150 patients each day. Our team has been well trained in the School of Pharmacy to execute this at a high level.

Medical Room

After the intake process, patients are escorted to a medical waiting area where they will await orthopedic illness evaluation. The majority ...