Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Patients still well and still sweet as ever

I first met this mother and daughter in 2016. At that time the mother was 94 years old and the daughter was 61 years old. The arrived for treatment then, and could not have been more pleased with the results and touched by our compassion and kindness. Post-treatment, the daughter hops on a bicycle and places the mother on the back seat and they travel away from clinic down a busy city intersection. Every year I think about this family and wonder and hope they will once again arrive at clinic for treatment, or just to say hello and wish us well. I was touched this year when they arrived today, still well and still as sweet as ever. Currently 97 and 64 years old respectively, they sought treatment today. They describe sub-optimal medical care throughout the year and insist that the treatment our team provides makes the most difference in their lives. They are patient, kind, strong, and brave. They always depart us with smiles and well-wishes for the health and safety of our team and to wish us good fortune throughout the year. I will pray for them and await the opportunity to see them in a few months.

Medical Room

After the intake process, patients are escorted to a medical waiting area where they will await orthopedic illness evaluation. The majority ...