Sunday, June 3, 2018

Highest honor bestowed on a foreign organization

Since 2012 we have been extremely fortunate to be partners with our colleagues from Mercer University School of Biomedical Engineering. We are privileged to work together to serve the poor and needy patient in Vietnam. Today the Prime Minister of Vietnam bestowed the highest recognition allowed to a foreign organization to our mission team for years of service and dedication to the poor people of Vietnam. What started in 2009 with 700 orthopedic patients and 37 prosthetic limbs fit, compared to 2017 when we treated 2550 orthopedic patients and over 700 prosthetic patients fit. The patients need and appreciate all we do and so does the Association of the Poor and the Government. It is amazing what a solid and well-built collaboration between Temple University School of Pharmacy and Mercer University can accomplish when we work so closely together as ONE TEAM.

Medical Room

After the intake process, patients are escorted to a medical waiting area where they will await orthopedic illness evaluation. The majority ...